I'm a 17 year old high school student in Washington State. I would like to go through and give a totally full bio, but for the time being this works just as well. I think it would be better suited to a different thread, and after I've read more here. Just know two things about me: 1.) The greatest dream I have ever had and will ever have is to become a member of the SOF community. 2.) I hold the belief that with proper physical training and buildup to it, the special operations environment is one in which I could exist, and not just exist, but thrive. I came across this site a couple of times researching questions I had about the military, and I decided to create an account. I would also like to make a side note: I understand that there is a plethora of fanboys from the gaming community who play Call of Duty and think they now possess master l33t snyper skillz. I'm not one of those people, and I am well aware not only of how tiring they must be to SOF personell, but of the vast difference between the military in real life and the military in call of duty. I'd like to distance myself from that crowd, because I'm sure there's a stigma among you guys about 17 year old kids on here. I'm as serious as a heart attack about this. I'll post again when I've gone through the threads some more, any advice for a newbie would be greatly appreciated.