

Jan 24, 2013
My name is Matt. I am from South Carolina, so I do have a little Southern blood in me for those who understand. I am currently a 4th Class Midshipman (the nothing rank :D) in a university in Virginia. I am a International Studies major whose focus is in Russian, and quite possible going to become a Russian major. My family has had it's fingers in all the branches of the military which is one reason I owe myself to be in this position to serve and lead but as well I hold a quote said by Mark Twain that I hold closer to my heart than any other, " Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it." This quote is my guiding light as to why I want to and am going to serve my country. I am loyalty to my God first, then my country, then my family. I understand and fully support if others do not follow my view but since no one can challenge my God I fully give my loyalty to my country which is The United States of America. As to what I want to do in the Navy, if given the privilege, is to grab a spot to try and become a EOD/Diving Officer. I know the journey is rough and challenging in all respect. I admire those who have already made the journey and I admire those who have yet to make it as well. From just a few weeks ago I have committed myself both physically and mentally to ready myself for the ahead challenges. I am open and welcome to all advice both positive and negative.
Thank you very much for welcoming into this forum and home. I will tread lightly:-).