
Mark Cole

Aug 24, 2015
South East Texas
Howdy everyone,

I'm from south east TX, born and raised here. Grew up in a big, Christian family - have four brothers and one sister. I went to college at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi - studied Kinesiology.

I seem to have come full circle - after high school I was planning on enlisting in the USMC, but was talked out of it by my parents, I decided to go to college and try to come out the other end as a physical therapist. During my undergrad, I found out I don't really like school, in my opinion, it was a huge waste of money and I could have learned the things I learned without paying so much money and without being surrounded by apathetic classmates and professors. I also realized how much more school I would have to go through to become a physical therapist and that realization has almost completely deterred me from that route (I am still eyeing the Army-Baylor Physical Therapy Program, but am not holding my breath about getting accepted). After that realization I started volunteering with the strength and conditioning staff at my school, then went on to complete three strength and conditioning internships (the one I'm most proud of was in Gulf Breeze, FL with Athletes' Performance - now called EXOS - where I got to work with a military population) and coached at a facility in Houston, TX working with pro baseball players during their off-season for a handful of months.

Since then, about ten months now, I have been unable to find a job - I have aspirations of being involved with a tactical population and searched for months for jobs that would help me end up with that population. I don't regret the path I've taken so far, I've learned great lessons about how to take care of my body and have met some great folks along the way. And since I can't use my skills as a strength coach to be involved with a military/tactical population, I've decided to join and use what I have left of my young years to serve my Country.

I don't know what I want to do for sure I have interests in a few different occupations - I was told by my younger, Marine brother that I would be a dumb-ass if I enlisted with an undergraduate degree. And everyone I have talked to has pretty much told me the same thing, but at least after the research I've done I'm struggling to find an officer occupation that provokes any interest from me - maybe I'm researching in the wrong places though.

That's who I am and the position I find myself in right now. I'm joining this sight to hopefully get some advice on which path to pursue, which I know is a decision I have to ultimately make, but advice from guys who have already walked the path will greatly help.

With Respect,