

Verified Military
May 9, 2018
Hi! My name is Sam. Served in the USAF for 6.25 years, mostly as a linguist (Arabic), but also spent a little time trying to cross-train into SERE Specialist AFSC, circa 2003 (INDOC at Medina, and Class 0401 up at Fairchild). That got interrupted by orders to Iraq in late 2003. Served as the translator and intel specialist w/regional operations team, CPA SC. In-country for Spring Fighting of 2004, and saw quite a bit of ground combat. Left active duty and did a year contract with a fed agency, involved w/JTTF. Been out of the game well over a decade now, but like to keep current on things (e.g. GWOT and SOF-related operations or topics). Thanks for letting me join!
Welcome aboard and best of success to you!

If you have not done so yet, please be sure to read the thread titled, “A Protocol Primer for ShadowSpear” at the top of the Introductions Forum.
Welcome, I was in Baghdad (Hifa a/o) fall of 03 to summer of 04, did Nijeff in the Summer of 04, and in and out of Sedar City fall of 04 to spring of 05. Did a bunch of raids for some DIA (SCIT) folks in and around the Baghdad area during most of those time frames. I wouldn't be surprised if our paths didn't cross a few times.

Anyway, welcome to SS.