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Nov 12, 2009
Dyess AFB, TX
Great forum/site, thanks for all the info.

I have been in the Air Force for 7 years as Ammo (2W0X1), getting ready to reenlist and retrain into PJ. I have an INDOC date of 4 January 2010. If anyone had any questions on the AF or retraining, send me a message.

He ain't even a conehead yet fellas...We'll see if he can make it through my boys over at Indoc.
Lebo...Good luck. Hope you have a strong stomach.
Yoo Hoo! My PJ friends, you have fresh conemeat!!!

Lebo - hang around, I got some guys I wantcha to meet, possibly your future compadres in Pararescue... nice guys, they're real polite and kind...:evil:


He ain't even a conehead yet fellas...We'll see if he can make it through my boys over at Indoc.
Lebo...Good luck. Hope you have a strong stomach.

See nice, friendly and polite... you're making friends already Lebo, JAJ knows some of the instructors, I'm sure he can help get your name out to them...:doh::evil:
See nice, friendly and polite... you're making friends already Lebo, JAJ knows some of the instructors, I'm sure he can help get your name out to them...:doh::evil:

Hey, come one guys. Let's be nice. I already sent a case of beer to the schoolhouse in the name of his indoc team, with a special note. Im sure he's gonna do just fine!

Lebo, Welcome and good luck man. If you have any questions (answers?!) I am also a cross trainee. And a PJ. And fucking GORGEOUS.

(p.s., I may be the nicest PJ on here, and that aint saying much.)
Hey, come one guys. Let's be nice. I already sent a case of beer to the schoolhouse in the name of his indoc team, with a special note. Im sure he's gonna do just fine!

Lebo, Welcome and good luck man. If you have any questions (answers?!) I am also a cross trainee. And a PJ. And fucking GORGEOUS.

(p.s., I may be the nicest PJ on here, and that aint saying much.)

Dammit bro, you forgot modest, you always forget modest... people are going to think you are egomaniacal if you don't remind them of your modesty...
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