Introduction - Krutch


Sep 26, 2013
Northern New Jersey
I found this site while looking at the info on SSG Tim McGill on Google. A close friend had told me of a bad day last Saturday in AFG and I was trying to find out the arrangements since Tim is from NJ, as am I. so I requested to be allowed to join. I lead an all-volunteer charity called Adopt-a-Soldier Platoon and we have been supporting our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen for more than 10 years. We take special pride in getting the guys what they need and have sent over all kinds of stuff, but mostly lately Keurig machines, TRXs and Xboxes. And good coffee! We have a great benefactor who donates coffee. In short, we love our Military. I was in the Air Force years back and served a little of 3 years. Never went to combat, never went to Nam and until only recently felt guilty about that? Now I don't and finally realize I served honorably, was a terrific weather observer and now I am doing God's work serving our Men and Women in harm's way and also the Wounded Heroes at home. That's it.
Thanks. An honor and a privilege. When I was in Kuwait with my buddy in 2011 (with the Redskins Cheerleaders), I had the honor of meeting a Special Team and was given the commander's coin and patch. We entertained the very last convoys coming over from Iraq. Very special indeed. My rock stars are 11Bs and all our guys who protect us all at home.
I hear that. Actually the town Tim was from - Ramsey - has had two Green on Blue killings in the last four months i think. It's rocked us up here. And we have some mutual friends that have told me they know his Dad. Just awful. We were going to send some personal care products to the team thru an intermediary - a close friend of mine. And it hurts particularly. We love our Special guys and do all we can for them. sucks. I didn't know him or the family but plan to go to the funeral and pay my respects and we will send stuff to our buddy to give to his team.
one of my prize possessions is a coin from the Commander of B Co, 2nd Bn, 3rd SFG (A). Met him in Kuwait (my buddy introduced us) and he also pulled his combat patch off his shoulder and handed it to me. Pretty f-ing cool! So I am in awe of all of you and what you've done for our Country and for me as a citizen. Thanks to all our Military on this site, esp like you say the real deal, the guys who have been in the shit. Those that I have met don't talk about it and look like they wouldn't hurt a fly. But could probably catch one blindfolded, cut it in half, eat on half and shove the other into your eye in 3 seconds! You're all great! I'm glad I stumbled onto this site and can pay my respects. Thanks again.