Introduction (USN Tactical Cryptologic Support)


Cryptologic Support
Verified Military
Aug 12, 2015

I am currently a CTT1 in the USN with a few WESPACs and a tour in Iraq with the Electronic Warfare Cell that worked for CJSOTF. I transferred to the Reserves to finish my degree. I will be leaving for Bagram soon to support the JSOC mission in country. Doing what I assume is a desk job for SIGINT/ELINT.
When I return I would like to follow in my Chief's footsteps and become a TIO for the teams doing. Chief was my mentor and my in for TIO. Unfortunately he didn't come home with the team he was sent with. Now I am driven more than ever, except I have no mentorship or knowledgeable CTs or Counselors that even know what TAC/EW or TIO mean.

I am of good fitness, 6'3" and 210, lift 5-6 times a week, was a VBSS man early on, and about to take over CFL. I feel like I would make a great candidate to support the NSW community. The drive is there, I just need the info and connections again.

The most info I received was from a Master Chief who said they think I have to come back in one piece, hope to god I can get picked up for any billet on Active Duty, then pray I can find a motivator to interview and test me for the program... Vague.

Also, what are the SOs views of their Crypto Support Guys? I have only had one point of view, but I knew there was love from the guys that saw him to rest.
