
rian gehle

Jun 8, 2013
hello everyone, my name is rian i am a 26 year old medically retired vet. i was in the army for almost 6 years as an 88m. i was medically retired after my deployement in iraq in 06-07. Ive been out for almost 5 years now. Honestly can say i despise everything about the civilian life. i joined the army when i was 17 so i was not able to join in a combat mos. I did gun trucks in iraq though one of last trans companies to do gun trucks in mnd north. I have put much consideration about rejoining the army as i miss it and i miss the brotherhood that comes along with it. My mentality does not mesh well with civilians, i get around vets and we talk for hours like we were best friends. honestly i ran across this forum online when i was doing some research. I will be honest i am 26 out of shape, tired of the dead end jobs, and i have always wanted to be part of hte SOF community even as a private, unfortunately when i was retired i lost that opportunity, but as i was not permentally retired i am only on TDRL i have a chance to rejoin the military. As i said i have been out for awhile and when i got out i did my fair share or drinking and partying which no longer is a part of my life by my physical attributes and ability to run or do anything was affected majorly. So before i take the necessary steps to rejoin i want to get back into shape and do some things that need to be done before i sign a contract at meps. If i do rejoin i want to be able to go through SFAS and eventually be part of an elite team. I have the drive to do this i have dropped considerate amount of weight lately. I know the APFT for regular army and standards when it comes to PT are way diff for AD than for SOF. So i would like some advice on things i could do outside of regular PT to get back into shape and get myself ready physically for SFAS. Thank you guys and im happy to be a part of this community.
i realize i maybe alittle ahead of myself here by my statement above and know getting back is and should be my first step. i realize im looking at the 300m instead of the 25m at this moment. but if i can get any advice on certain things i can do to attain the physical state i should be at before going back in and trying to get to SFAS that would be greatly appreciated
You want criticism... before you get in shape physically - get in shape mentally and use some SA and common courtesy. Your Initial post looks like a bag of saggy ass written by a 4 year old - Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Usage, and Capitalization are required in most military communication - I think you were lazily retired.

Do not attempt to rejoin the Army or even think about Special Forces until you get your shit together and present yourself as a professional, I'm sick of the line "I've always wanted to do this, but.... [insert favorite bitchy excuse here and repeat until everybody in 3 counties knows your story]" written in all lowercase, horrendous spelling, no understanding of usage rules, and grammar that would make an Elizabethan Cockney street urchin understandable.

You, buddy have proven yourself in your intro to be a huge bag of fail, please go away until you see all of the mistakes you made in your presentation of yourself and your request for somebody to handhold you so you can pass SFAS. Nothing you wrote impresses me in any way to even attempt to help you out - you pissed me off so badly I wrote this horrifically rambling treatise on your shortcomings based on 3 posts...

I'm not going to welcome you here, for obvious reasons.
i did not mean any offense in my post. I know what i want to say maybe did not come across properly and i apologize. I do not wish to offend anyone. I have the upmost respect for you all. I just know if this is a decision i am seriously considering besides the stuff i am currently doing to better myself phsyically if there are other things that are geared toward my desired goal that i can do to give myself a better chance. Again i did not mean to offend anyone. Just thought i would reach out and get some advice on things that i could do extra that maybe i did not know about. I also did not mean to break any rules at all nor did i intend any disrespect. Thank you for being direct though, and hopefully if possible i can rectify the situation.
Holy fuck. You won't make it in the SOF community with the SA you currently have. Fix yourself.
Welcome to Shadowspear. Please understand that members here respect professionalism in all aspects of life. The way you verbalize what you want to say is important here. Grammar is also important. I know that this first reaction may seem harsh but that's the life of an aspiring SOF candidate. I would recommend you reset your gaming console and try again. You will find the members here much more generous if you do so.
Yowsa. :blkeye:

Welcome. I think the 26 yr old Vet gets it, everyone.

Thanks for your service. Now that you have taken your lumps, read a lot, post a little, and have fun here.

Everyone else, move along.... :-"
Hey Rian,

Now that "that's" out of the way, welcome and best of success to you!