
Verified Military
Jun 23, 2013
Hello all I stumbled upon this site years ago prior to me actually making an account.

Im currently DEP for the Army as an 11x (infantry) I ship soon to basic
I have a strong desire to make it as a Ranger and someday go Sf

I hope I can learn alot up here before I go and for years to come.

Nevertheless I thank you all for your service to Our countries and yours alike.
Welcome, and here is my tip to you for making it through MEP's...when they ask you if you are alergic to anything, don't tell them, "yes I am. The smell of roses gives me a terrible runny nose and makes me sneeze!" I can promise that you will answer that question 20 more times; to people who have no reason to ask, other than hearing someone else say, "ask that idiot what he's alerigic to!"
Welcome, and here is my tip to you for making it through MEP's...when they ask you if you are alergic to anything, don't tell them, "yes I am. The smell of roses gives me a terrible runny nose and makes me sneeze!" I can promise that you will answer that question 20 more times; to people who have no reason to ask, other than hearing someone else say, "ask that idiot what he's alerigic to!"

ha, understood. Fortunately enough the only thing I'm allergic to is bullshit.

Welcome, when do you ship?
I ship first week in September.
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