

Verified Military
Aug 18, 2013
Fort Worth, TX
Good morning all,

I have recently stumbled into this forum while searching for useful information. And useful it has been, thanks to everyone on here for posting with most intelligence. Now for the introduction part. I joined the USMC in 2007 and was honorably discharged in 2012, as a CPL/E-4, after the completion of my 5 year contract. I was a 6073, ground support equipment electrician/mechanic, that whole time. Boot camp and schooling took about a year then the next two years spent between Iwakuni, Japan and Okinawa and the last two spent working with civilians in Yuma, AZ. Nearing the end of my enlistment I realized I wanted more and turning wrenches is not at all why I joined the military. My focus turned to training to be something more, something special, to have that brotherhood that the rest of the military claims to have but is often only seen in the special forces. I did some research and ended up wanting the green beret, not just the cover but everything that goes along with it. I have spent the last year training and a few weeks ago decided to talk to a recruiter and will be forever glad I did. The ball has started rolling in my favor very fast. I am a perfect applicant needing zero waivers and just last week received my inner service transfer from the Marines IRR over to the Army. The only thing I'm waiting on now is something called a spiff from meps to meps and to get a test date for my DLAB. Lord willing after that they can get me a ship date and get my butt moving towards my goal. This forum helps keep my motivation up tremendously through this paperwork process and can not thank anyone on here enough for that.
Good morning and welcome to the site. Some well intended unsolicited feedback? Add a paragraph or two when you are writing that much, makes it easier for the reader to follow.
@Ooh-Rah1069 good feedback and much appreciated. I had to scroll up and up and then up some more to find the beginning of my post. I definitely noticed a lack there of grammatically correct spacing. Hopefully this is my only winded post since it was an introduction and in the future will include more spacing to keep the headache level down. Semper Fi.
Welcome to SS. I wish you good fortune, in your journey along the SF pipeline. Agree with RM, good intro.
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I would like to know more about military life. How often can a military personnel spend on chatting online?

Hi Rafamerch. It's traditional to start one's own introductory thread, not to add on to someone else's. It's also considered bad form to ask the same question in two different threads. Finally, I don't think anyone here is going to want to talk about chatting online.
"I did some research and ended up wanting the green beret, not just the cover but everything that goes along with it."

Me gusta. Welcome to SS.
Thanks for all the support gentlemen. Got a call from my recruiter today and my package got approved. Go tomorrow to take a wiz quiz which I will pass with flying colors, hopefully more clear than yellow. Got the dlab study guide from delta gear and that has been my bible the past week so Lord willing that test is another easy step. Can't wait to ship out for all this training so fing pumped.
@x SF med bad ass I had a buddy from high school play football there pretty good school and organization. I live in west Fort Worth closer to White Settlement. From Corpus Christi only here because my wife is stationed at nas jrb Fort Worth awaiting seps.