(1) I really want the guard (air or army) option due to the fact I have a child with an ex and it would be hard on our parenting plan if I had to relocate.
(2) I also want a Special Forces/special tactics career as well.
***Does anyone have any advice?***
If you decide to go with the military in any way shape or from, you will relocate for up to a year for your initial training - enlisted or officer.
Based on your stated criteria, SF/Special Tactics is out as an option for you, it requires a firm commitment and at least a 2 year training commitment, and as an officer, you need to be on the ball and ready when your CPT year group has to commit.
You need to decide if you can make the commitment to the military with the commitments you made to your child and your ex, you can't half ass your commitment to the military, nor can you half ass your commitment to your family - it's a tough decision - can you handle being completely focused on your military job without worrying about your family if needed, and can you turn that off when you are home and need to focus on your family, or at least turn down the military volume in your head so that your family is your focus?
If as you state in (1) above that you cannot relocate, stop now, do not even put your toes to the initial line, you will have regrets - not that not stepping up will not have its own set of regrets - but it sounds like you've set your course and made a promise to be there for your child - are you comfortable with breaking that promise for a military career? You cannot keep both promises as you've laid them out.
It appears to me that you have some hard thinking to accomplish and a possibly a long conversation with your ex - if you choose the military, you will relocate for at least a good chunk of time.
all in all, it comes down to one of the most famous sayings in Special Operations.... Whatcha gonna do PL?