Hello everyone. First off, thank you for letting me join this community where I hope to learn much from all of you. Now I will introduce myself. My name is Derek, and I am a 16-year old junior in high school. My current goal/plan is to enlist under the 18X program for Special Forces after I graduate from college with a four-year degree. I found this website after doing some research into SF requirements and training. I have been looking for guidance towards achieving my goals but have not actually been able to find any real SOF operators to ask for help. To be honest, my physical fitness is not the best. I'm not morbidly obese but definitely not up to special operations standards. Any advice on how I can improve would be great. Finally, I'm unsure about what my path to SF will be. I know I said that I want to enlist under 18X but a few veterans suggested that I enlist under infantry or Op 40 first and do a few tours before I drop my packet for SFAS. Again, any advice would be great.
I will try my best to be as mature as possible on this forum and I promise to not post anything offensive or annoying and to think out my posts before I write them. Thanks.
I will try my best to be as mature as possible on this forum and I promise to not post anything offensive or annoying and to think out my posts before I write them. Thanks.