

Apr 15, 2014
Hello, honestly I never post on forums so forgive me if I sound a little off from the usual, I guess it takes a bit of getting used to. I'll go by subject on SS and I'm currently a "wannabe" Army 18x. I'm a civilian ( 16 yo male 5'11, about 145 lbs). I found shadowspear while looking for a better PT plan than my current one and I ran across a thread posted by another intended 18x and immediately gained respect for the community here, I found more motivation and "get your ass moving" fuel than I have ever found.

For a bit of qualifications I'm a junior in high school, I have a GPA of about 3.5 and an IQ of 126. I've been in Tae Kwon Do for about five years now and got my black belt about five or six months ago. I'm in ok shape for a civilian, despite being a good bit underweight (Obviously I realize that I'm going to need to be a lot better than "ok" for special forces.)

Thank you for your time. I look forward to learning from this community and doing what I can to contribute.