

May 13, 2014
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Hello everyone,

My name is Holden, Born and raised in South Florida. I am currently a freshman in high school who plans to pursue a military career. What that is I have yet to determine, but as of now I enjoy running and swimming
(Pretty convenient living 15 minutes away from the beach). Lastly I hope to read more and post less and thank you to all former and current military members for your service.
Welcome. Be a high schooler for the next 4 years... enjoy your life. Then, in 4 years figure out where you want to take things... just my advice.

Welcome. This is some of the best advice you can get. Enjoy it because it goes by too quick.
Welcome to SS. Agree strongly with xSFmed, our Troll. Learn lots, and be a happy teenager, it will only come your way once.
Welcome to the site!

Enjoy your time in school while you can and always put forth your best efforts academically.

I wish you the very best successes in your future.