

Verified Military
Apr 5, 2015
Hello everyone,

I have been in the US Army for over 8 years and enjoy every moment I get to put my uniform on. I joined in 2006 as Military Police because I wanted to be a Police Officer, but my passion has shifted. I did a tour over seas and after some time upon redeployment had picked up orders for recruiting. I have been doing that for the last 4 years and couldn;t be happier where my career has taken me this far. My goal ever since the first day I stepped foot on Fort Campbell was to be part of Special Forces. To a young kid, everything they did was arousing. The more research I did, the more I found out I really connected to why they were created and the fire insided me only burned more to try for it. After my deployment, 4 kids, recruiting and some maturing, the time is finally here for me to take part in my life long goal. I really look forward to gaining first hand knowledge of what it takes and how I can better prepare myself. I am also happy to answer any questions some of you might have about joining or anything I might be able to help you with.