

Sep 18, 2015
Before I start about me I just want to say it is a honor to be a member of this forum. Thank you.

Quick stats:
Age- 26
2 Mile - 14:45
PU - 56
SU - 59

My journey towards Military service started at a young age. Most of the men in my family served, and it was instilled as a sense of pride to serve and love your country. Through growing up in the great state of Arizona my parents pushed us three kids into getting involved in a club/sport, and I chose baseball. I ended up playing in high school and through college. In my last year I found my interest for personal training. My background of baseball and my new career as a personal trainer meshed well as I have coached/trained high school to travel ball teams of all ages. Yet, there was something missing. Something that I kept coming back too. This year at the age of 26 I went and talked to a recruiter. It felt right, as if this was something I should of done a long time ago. When the SSgt asked me "Why do you want to join the Army?" I told him about my family's Military history, how I grew up in a disciplined environment, but ultimately that it was the feeling inside that this was something that I had to do and that just felt right.

So there I was just wanting a 11x contract with Airborne, and an opportunity to prove myself so I could possibly have a shot at sniper school (Which if I never did I was ok with). After doing what I was supposed to do by showing up to 2-a-days with my recruiter consistently, filling out my paper work efficiently and accurately, having my 127 GT be my lowest line score, my recruiter recommended an 18x contract. I researched it, talked to close military friends and asked their advice, and it seems to be what I was looking for. Be able to put 100% into my work, have the camaraderie of brothers, serve my country, become one of the best of the best and not be forced to wear Oakleys and star in movies ;-), as well as the opportunity to improve myself everyday.

So here I am with an open mind, willing to learn, continuing to work hard, and improving myself everyday. I wanted to introduce myself and thank everyone for the time they put into this forum, and for the sacrifices they have/will make for our country.
