Hello all!
I'm a USMC Reservist who is in the IRR and currently looking to re-enlist and lat-move. I've been interested in doing something different and was curious if there are any training partners here in SoFla training for BRC.
I came across the website while searching for rucking advice since I was shin splinting myself into hell training for them. I've started doing cross country to ease it up on my shins when I can get out to that type of territory and it helps A LOT!
I'm currently at a point where I can ruck 13-14 minutes easily but have trouble moving up to faster times due to my little legs. As I find my way around this I look forward to learning more from those who have gone before.
I'm a USMC Reservist who is in the IRR and currently looking to re-enlist and lat-move. I've been interested in doing something different and was curious if there are any training partners here in SoFla training for BRC.
I came across the website while searching for rucking advice since I was shin splinting myself into hell training for them. I've started doing cross country to ease it up on my shins when I can get out to that type of territory and it helps A LOT!
I'm currently at a point where I can ruck 13-14 minutes easily but have trouble moving up to faster times due to my little legs. As I find my way around this I look forward to learning more from those who have gone before.