

Oct 25, 2015
Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening,

I would like to start off by saying that you guys are amazing! You have my utmost respect. The fact that you have created this website and forum, along with all of the others out there shows your dedication. It's outstanding that you go out of your way to help guys like me get where we need to be!

I'll go ahead and tell you a little bit about me. I am a sophomore (AS200 or C/3C) Air Force ROTC cadet at Kansas State University. I will be competing for an enrollment allocation (EA) next semester to attend Field Training this summer. I found out about the Combat Rescue Officer career field my senior year before entering the program. As soon as I started to do research on CRO, I knew that this is what I needed to strive for. "These things we do... that others may live." is a motto that I hope to live by one day. I love how it is a selfless community of men who put their lives on the line everyday to save someone else's life. I understand that CRO is a career field that almost no body gets, and for me that is more motivation than discouragement. I love to push myself and see how far I can go with God leading me along the way. I have done hours of research including forums, workouts, nutrition and books since I have started training. I am improving on my weaknesses (mainly swimming of course! haha) and strengthening my strengths. I will continue to dig into this forum to get the help I need.

Welcome to SS. Perhaps taking a look at our Para Rescue Mentor program. Best of luck in your future plans.
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Looks like you have a great goal and are laying the groundwork for success... there is a ton to read here, but I suggest reading a few good books on spec ops topics. There's a great list in the book forum here, you'll pick up a lot of great paths to success.
I have looked at the Pararescue mentor forum, and I believe I also sent in a request to join it. I have read Guardian Angel by Bill Sine and I am currently on None Braver. I will be sure to take a look at the book forum as well!