

Jan 4, 2016
Hello, upon trying to recieve & soak up all the information for my rating, I stumbled across these forums in hope of some answers.

I am a 17 year old male, in very good shape. I was a top athlete at my high school, I just didn't get along with a lot of people. I decided to drop out of public school the beginning of my junior year and enroll in a homeschooling program. Upon completing the courses in about 6-7 months I recieved my diploma. There I was, wondering what to do with my life. I decided to hit up recruiters, and chose the Navy, went and did all I had to do at meps, and got the rating HM1 picked out for me. I was fine with that, I really was. Medical field, that's amazing. I joined at during June, 2015 and my ship date was 12.21.2015. It changed from the 21st to the 2nd and I was okay with that. Until they told me I had to wait until 2 months until I was 18 to ship out. My birthday is April 9, so I signed a new contract and it is now 4.11.2016. Which is fine. I also, am in a fairly long relationship and my girlfriend is 1-2 months pregnant. I have so many questions if anyone is willing to help.
Welcome. If I am not mistaken HM1 is a rank, an E-4. Are they letting you join as an NCO? If so, what for?

Then in addition, not getting along with people well is not a great prerec for joining the military where you will be in close quarters with allllll kinds of people.
Note to all.... this is a welcome Welcome thread, welcomes only (even for Alaskan Marines:hmm:)... questions to pm or ask the young man to open a new thread in the appropriate sub-forum or in General Discussions.

Welcome, you are going to have your work cut out for you, your GF will be giving birth while you're in A-school.

So start a new thread in Joint Discussion Area under Military... you should get a lot of feedback, but be prepared for some rough truths and make sure you are toughened up for military guys and gals giving military advice...
& she would not be able to move with me until 2-3 years in. She'd working on her RN license as we speak. My contract is 5y/3y though. So maybe when she finishes I'll be in the right location for her to move? I should be E-4 my 3rd year in right?

If it's not to much to ask for can you get me a link to those books? For the editions you would recommend?
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Hey @Caydeman - Welcome again!

Would you be willing to start a thread in the Joint Discussion area (under Military) as @x SF med asked above? Per forum rules we really can't engage with you regarding your questions in a "welcome post"