

Dec 12, 2016
West Coast
Hello all,

I am currently finishing off a bachelors degree in computer science at a four year university on the west coast. My plan currently is to get my degree and then enlist in the Navy as a SARC. I took EMT-B and lifeguarding courses during high school and absolutely fell in love with hands on medicine. I was lucky enough to have two incredible teachers who had served in the Armed Forces (Army helicopter medic, and FMF corpsman). They took me under their wing and I'm extremely honored to have known them. Their advice to me was that because I had an opportunity to go to college I should jump on that first and worry about the military later.

I'm about a year and half away from finishing school so I've started specific research on paths, requirements, and ect. I actually found out about SARCs through this site and am joining so that I can ask any questions I might have down the road. My main concerns right now are passing my classes, increasing my fitness scores and bulking up. Thank you all for the invaluable information already posted on this site!

Welcome to SS. It was a wise move on your part to knock out an undergrad degree up front. It will pay you dividends on the road ahead of you.