

Army Flight Medic
Verified Military
Aug 30, 2017
Hello all,

I stumbled across shadowspear by chance during a random google search. Seems there's a lot of information here to be soaked up and a lot of knowledgeable guys available for questions to be answered for my future endeavors and perhaps I can help some people while I'm here as well.

Anyway I'm active duty Army and joined back in '11. No deployments, I was a medic assigned to a Field Artillery unit for four years before reenlisting for flight paramedic school about a year ago. I'll be finishing school up in about a month and a half and will cross over to the aviation side of the Army. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.

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Welcome aboard! Best of success to you on your future goals and objectives.
Welcome, there's always a need for medical knowledge, stay on target and you'll be valuable anywhere you go.