

May 18, 2018
Hello Shadowspear community !
Thank you very much for accepting my registration. So a little about me. I'm a law student living in Germany, but originaly from the mountaineous Georgia - no not the state, also not the island, but the country. Yeah, I saw in one of the threads here, that you didn't necessarily have the greatest exp with Georgians so far. But I guarantee, nothing of the like will happen with me. I haven't served but am considering an eventual officer career in the BW before I become too old. Frst I need to complete my studies, but I have already started to prep and physicaly condition myself. I've been drawn to the military since childhood but was "convinced", you know - parents .... ( no hard feelings there .... maybe a little ) not to join and now I feel that I've missed out an important chapter in my life because of that. The closest I've come to military is with my current extra job as COB, which is a lot of fun, and also quite an unique experience. I definitly recommend giving it a shot, even to ex-military. We had some in the last rotation during Combined Resolve X. Its fun, hilarious incidents happened which I'm sadly not allowed to talk about. MRE though .... I admit, I had to get used to it, especialy that chemical smell from the heater. So what drew my attention and to join this forum ? well besides stumbling over it on FB, I'm a big fan of SF people in particular. I just have huge admiration for them. What I know comes part from what I've read and heard via literature and media and part from ppl I happen to know and come to know and that's more than enough to earn my utmost respect for these people.
Welcome aboard and best of success to you!

If you have not done so yet, please be sure to read the thread titled, “A Protocol Primer for ShadowSpear” at the top of the Introductions Forum.
Thank you everyone

Welcome aboard and best of success to you!

If you have not done so yet, please be sure to read the thread titled, “A Protocol Primer for ShadowSpear” at the top of the Introductions Forum.

Thank you Ooh-Rah, done so. Lot of great advice and posts on this forum. Looking forward to becoming a member.