

Sep 27, 2018
Greetings all,

I'll keep this short and concise.

I am a full-time college student. I plan to join the VA National Guard while completing my I.T. degree. After college, I hope to transfer to Active Duty (hopefully the current Army Business Rules don't change)--my goal would be to attend Rasp 1 for the 75thRR if possible. The Regiment has always been fascinating to me and becoming a member would be something of a dream come true.

I have many reasons for joining the National Guard while in college--personal experience and a chance to serve while studying, foremost. I'd rather serve in the National Guard for three years and then go Active Duty than sit out completely during my college years and miss the experience. I know there are those who would advise against the NG, but I have thought this through extensively and believe I am making the right decision. I am open to constructive comments and/or advice though.

OCS is also something I am interested in pursuing in the future too.

Thanks, guys!
Welcome. I see you mentioned OCS as a possibility, so I'm gonna assume you plan on enlisting in the guard. Any reason you wouldn't want to do the simultaneous membership program? Join the guard, do ROTC, then commission active.
Welcome. I see you mentioned OCS as a possibility, so I'm gonna assume you plan on enlisting in the guard. Any reason you wouldn't want to do the simultaneous membership program? Join the guard, do ROTC, then commission active.

Thank you, Cookie_101st. Well, there are several facets to this. But, my main reason for not comissioning through ROTC is that I wish to serve in the 75thRR as enlisted, primarily for the experience. You only get to be enlisted and young once! After a few years in the Regiment, I would then commission through OCS when ready to go Officer. However, this is all theoretical planning.