
Jun 12, 2016
Good Evening/Morning;
I am a Federal Law Enforcement Officer ( U.S DOJ) with 26+ Years of LE Special Operations experience. I am a current tactical team member, prior assistant and team leader. I am a firearms instructor, less lethal instructor, tactical team trainer and lead instructor. I am a 2A proponent and have been shooting my whole life, on and off in competition. I received my first real firearm at Christmas aged seven and have never looked back. I have 30 plus years under my belt as a range master and ballistician, and would like to offer what knowledge I have for the asking. Additionally, I've observed some scathing and inaccurate remarks as a guest, so request to be vetted when possible. I offer the knowledge I do have to the group and will welcome questions, that I will answer as best I can. I will offer that I do not know, what I do not know and will state same. Since this is primarily a young person's "sport" I can not do this forever and would love to push hard learned lessons upward.
Very respectfully