ios-10 drops today...discuss!

I don't have the prompt yet. What say the rest of you?


My biggest point of contention is that a few updates ago something changed and any audio you have playing or streaming cuts off if you go into camera and try to take a picture. I get if you are using the video feature, but it makes no sense to cut off your audio for snapshots.


This has been fixed. That pleases me.
Did somebody say black plastic frames and an i-phone? :D

Its like theyre liberals, forgetting how fucked the last liberal in charge of shit was/has been....... next thing you know, man buns sprout, pumpkin spice tampons start showing in the shitter vending machines, and that hottie you knew in the last class you remember before dxing your brain for an electronic accessory equivalent of a honda accord? Yeah theyre not hot nor the same sex as issued anymore.

Every time you turn on an apple device you give Jobs corpse a handy... you fucking necrophiliacs.


Despite owning an Apple Phone and MacBook, ^^^ spoken like a true savant