Jacob Wetterling - <if you are not familiar with the name - sad topic>


Sep 12, 2012
The scum sucking bastard who was recently arrested on other charges, and named as a "person of interest", finally admitted to the FBI that he was indeed the person who abducted Jacob all the way back in 1989. Last week he led them to his remains.

Jacob Wetterling remains are found

This was the case that taught my circle of friends here in Northern Minnesota that the world was not always as safe as we liked to pretend.

I grieve for the parents, yet hope they find some comfort in the fact that at least now they know. What stings most, and I am sure especially for the investigators of that time period, is that the man was questioned as a suspect back when the kidnapping originally happened:

At the time of Jacob's disappearance, Heinrich was living in Paynesville, Minn., about 30 miles southwest of St. Joseph. The city had suffered a string of attacks on young boys — a husky white man, his face obscured, would approach and sometimes grope groups of kids on bikes. His voice was raspy, the boys told Paynesville authorities, and he often made threats. The kids dubbed the menace "Chester the Molester."

In early 1989, nine months before Jacob's disappearance, Jared Scheierl, a 12-year-old from Cold Spring, Minn., was kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a man who then released him with the warning "not to look back or he would be shot."

Heinrich was questioned by investigators soon after Jacob was abducted and several times in 1990. At the time, he denied any involvement.
I experienced both sadness and rage reading this.

Predators are the scum of the earth. I'd like to see them all neutered with a chainsaw.
It's good to hear of closure of sorts for cases like this. I hope the family finds peace now.

And the fucker responsible (doesn't deserve his name repeated) rots in Hell while being raped by cactus.
I post this only to offer closure and follow up on the story. He confessed, and gave details.

Rarely do news events affect me emotionally anymore - this one did, and truth be told, I wish I had not read it.

After Heinrich’s detailed, horrifying courtroom confession on how he kidnapped and killed Jacob, Patty Wetterling said, “It’s incredibly painful to know his last days, his last minutes.”

Danny Heinrich confesses to abducting and killing Jacob Wetterling
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Hell isn't hot enough for this piece of shit. I hope he dies a long slow excruciating death at the hands of his fellow prisoners.
Before he goes to that special place in Hell, may he spend his remaining time on earth in the general population of a prison. There he will be able to interact with other inmates, and experience their special attention.