James Carlson
Hi, folks -- I've been looking through all of your intros, and I have to say, I'm really impressed. I was an Ocean Systems Technician Analyst for many years, and we were told that it was special warfare, but you guys were real warriors, and I was definitely NOT. We tracked submarines through all of the oceans around the world, and I was stationed all over the place: Brawdy, Wales; Pearl Harbor, HI; Dam Neck, VA; Sigonella, Sicily; Office of Navy Intelligence in Suitland, MD; but I was never in combat -- I worked at a computer terminal and sent Flash msgs to Norfolk, VA for God's sake. I enjoyed it immensely, but my life was never on the line like a lot of you guys -- I'm not certain, in fact, that I'm in the right community here. I am, however, damn impressed. :cool: