Just one more example of cool professionalism...

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I wanted to share this with you. It's a paragraph from "Cobra II," page 459 and relates an episode during heavy contact at Objective Curley, a vital intersection during the battle for Baghdad in April 2003:

Corporal Henry Brown, the brigade commander's driver, had been evacuated across the street to an aid station and was positioned near two of the Special Forces soldiers who had been wounded at Curly. The medics were having trouble putting an IV into Brown, who was burned and dehydrated. So one of the SF soldiers ordered the medics to bring Brown over. Full of morphine and with a round in his leg, the Special Forces soldier pulled out his Leatherman knife, cut Brown's leg open, stuck a catheter in a vein, and got the IV started.
I am proud to say that I served with both of those medics in the same unit at that time, and I am even more proud that they were both students of mine during the Course. Both medics on the same team... They displayed true grace under pressure on that day.

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Nice drills.
In a similar vein, 3 blokes from a patrol in my platoon got attacked by a swarm of large wasps, two of the boys had 100+ bites to the face and neck and the other bloke, the patrol medic, had 30-40 bites to the face neck and hands, only the PC and 2IC managed to keep relatively clear. The 3 boys were not doing well, the first two in particular could only be told apart by their name tapes, they had swollen up so much and it rapidly got the stage where their airways were in danger.
The 3 boys were passing around a whistle while the medic gets antihistamine and adrenalin squared away, take a hit, get the drug ready, give the patient a hit to calm him down, take another hit, make the stick, get the other patient calmed down, take a hit, make another stick etc etc. A nearby SASR patrol had offered to drop their task and make a run cross country to help out with their medic, but the extraction was happening and the offer wasn't taken up.
After that came a winch extraction, the patrol 2IC nearly getting clobbered by a falling pack and the big red fuuuuck we're running out of fuel light flashing as the before mentioned 2IC was hauled in to the huey. A pretty average day all in all.

One of the boys later went on to become an Officer, that wasp poison must be nasty stuff...