Kyiv supplied Intel to Tuareg rebels.

Ukraine supplied intelligence to Tuareg rebels, leading to an ambush of Wagner Group mercenaries. The old rule; my enemies enemy is my friend.

Ukraine says it provided intel key to ambush of Wagner fighters in Mali
The Ukrainians are definitely punching above their weight. That said, I kinda wonder how much intel they're getting from us. It's either that or they've somehow grown their intelligence gathering capabilities to span separate continents.

If I were a betting man I'd guess the Ukes have gotten a shitload of help from us. Meanwhile we get to indirectly degrade Russia's capabilities in Africa in return. Not a bad trade off. :D
The Ukrainians are definitely punching above their weight. That said, I kinda wonder how much intel they're getting from us. It's either that or they've somehow grown their intelligence gathering capabilities to span separate continents.

If I were a betting man I'd guess the Ukes have gotten a shitload of help from us. Meanwhile we get to indirectly degrade Russia's capabilities in Africa in return. Not a bad trade off. :D
A mysterious plot prompts a rare call from Russia to the Pentagon
Wow, what a bunch of DEI hires. Goes to show how much a giant cunt the Russians are and how inept the Pentagon is. Hilarious that the Russians keep threatening to embroil the Western world in a war they started themselves.

That said, while I'm not a fan of the corruption in Ukraine at least their people are trying. Attacking refining plants, the Kerch Bridge, and other soft targets is smart. It's almost as if the the Pentagon is trying to drag out the war as well. Given the mismanagement of Iraq and Afghanistan, by those liberal Pentagon eunuchs, I hope the Ukes keep their cards close to their chests and work on becoming self sufficient.