Tech. Sergeant John Chapman To Be Awarded The Medal Of Honor

This was very recently uploaded on Youtube. It is a longer version of the drone footage that captured the battle, and Tech. Sergeant John Chapman's heroic actions and final moments.

All, please remember this thread is for the purposes of honoring Sgt. Chapman. Debate about anything else can be put in the SOCM Slabinski thread linked below.

MoH to be awarded to SOCM Slabinski
It’s unreal. Knocked it out in about 2 sittings. Get it and read it, if you haven’t.
Read it in 2 days this last deployment. Amazing book, started kinda slow, but that passage outlining what he did in the final minutes gave me a shiver and a tear in my eye. I also felt a connection talking about his childhood as I spent part of my childhood in Springfield MA and would always fly out of Windsor Locks over the border.
Cool side note- my old call sign is mentioned in the book. That gave me a laugh.
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Just finished "Alone at Dawn" yesterday. Outstanding read. Dan did a great job tying together the CCT history, Chapman's life history, and the full picture of the operations leading up to Chapman's insertion on the mountain. I also found the details on PJ Jason Cunningham's final moments to be moving as well. I remember reading about Cunningham and Chapman as part of AF history during BMT, but don't think I ever connected that they were both at Takur Ghar.

RIP MSgt Chapman & SrA Cunningham.
I remember reading about Cunningham and Chapman as part of AF history during BMT, but don't think I ever connected that they were both at Takur Ghar.

RIP MSgt Chapman & SrA Cunningham.

The USAF has an amazing history, one to be proud of, but it doesn't seem to realize this. "Here are a few questions for promotion points, now move along."

The Army does almost as poor a job, so the AF could easily beat the Army in this despite having about 150 years less experience. Set aside the AFSOC guys, look at Thud Ridge, the Bloody 100th, Operation Bolo, Big Week, Curtis Lemay, Lima Site 85... and that's off the top of my head.
The USAF has an amazing history, one to be proud of, but it doesn't seem to realize this. "Here are a few questions for promotion points, now move along."

The Army does almost as poor a job, so the AF could easily beat the Army in this despite having about 150 years less experience. Set aside the AFSOC guys, look at Thud Ridge, the Bloody 100th, Operation Bolo, Big Week, Curtis Lemay, Lima Site 85... and that's off the top of my head.

Totally agree. This is where the Marine Corps and Navy really excel; they do love them some history and heritage. I remember a Soviet general was asked what he feared about the US, and paraphrasing, he said Air Force bombers and nukes, and Navy submarines.
The USAF has an amazing history, one to be proud of, but it doesn't seem to realize this. "Here are a few questions for promotion points, now move along."

The Army does almost as poor a job, so the AF could easily beat the Army in this despite having about 150 years less experience. Set aside the AFSOC guys, look at Thud Ridge, the Bloody 100th, Operation Bolo, Big Week, Curtis Lemay, Lima Site 85... and that's off the top of my head.

My maternal grandfather was a Buff pilot during GEN Lemay’s tenure. He was deceased long before I was born, but my grandmother told me stories about family life in SAC. She also gave me a book about Lemay for my perusal. “Make the rubble bounce,” is a command that warms my heart. Lemay did not fuck around.
A book review I posted, added only because it links to other discussions about Chapman.

ETA: If you see any old threads that "cannot be found" look at the URL in your browser and delete vb/ so that you have plus the remainder of the thread title and all of that.