To be clear, the AV8Bs are early 80s early 70s aircraft way past their prime. It would’ve been inconceivable for the Corps to adopt a replacement that was not VTOL and impossible for the Corps to resist the JSF program. As it stands the 35Bs and CATOBAR C’s will fully replace the old AV8s in the next year or so. Most of the Harriers are already bone-yarded. A few carrier based Marine VMFs will get the C variant. I was very critical early on of the viability of the CAS role of the 35 over the A-10, and of airframe deficiencies on the 35B… but in the latter case, serious teething issues are common with complex aircraft and later blocks eliminate many of these. (Like others, I also expressed doubts about the early V22 and its occasions to kill aircrews; and in NC I covered enough Harrier mishaps when they were crunching with some regularity into the tarmac at Cherry Point.)
As far as tanks are concerned, the Corps’ vision for the near future does not require heavy armor so ridding itself of tanks was a necessary move to achieve a leaner operational profile. I’m cool with that. The Corps bloated into army-size in the Pacific in WW2—only because it had to—and despite force reductions still retained a lot of that weight through VN and the GWOT. It has to remain compact and unique to stay relevant or else it’s just a redundant component of the DoD,
I have no lingering nostalgia for outdated TTP or technology when it comes to the lethal hitting power of my country or my Marine Corps.