Let's see that shooter

Took some range time a bit ago, pretty much instantly decided to take off the bipod and shifted the AFG as far forward as feasible. Bought mead with the refund for the bipod.

  • rail extension from PWS or FN for putting the AFG full forward
  • SCAR25 lower so I can use SR25 Pmags instead of FN unobtanium magazines.
  • Trijicon TR22-2 scope in lieu of Leupold Mark-AR (only f'ing mildot scope in a store within 150 mile radius of my house)
  • Illumination product of some sort since I prefer having a taclight or combination unit on my rifles.
  • AAC muzzle accoutrement of decreased noise perhaps?
Regardless, I enjoy plinking torso sized rocks in the desert at 600m. Training the wife for my spotter is also fun, as is the smile on her face hitting shit out that far for the first time, first shot.

Clarise Big.jpg
I got a new Short Range Rifle this year. It has brought much silent violence to the local deer population.

