Li'l Kim to Citizens: Don't Come Back


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Yes, I refer to Kim Jong Il as "Li'l Kim." I like that better than "Junior."

North Korea has banned its own citizens working in Libya from returning home, apparently out of fear that they will reveal the extent - and final outcomes - of the revolutions that have shaken the Arab world.

When you're a despot whose hold on power depends on the retelling of a great lie, the truth can be a dangerous thing...
Yes, I refer to Kim Jong Il as "Li'l Kim." I like that better than "Junior."

North Korea has banned its own citizens working in Libya from returning home, apparently out of fear that they will reveal the extent - and final outcomes - of the revolutions that have shaken the Arab world.

When you're a despot whose hold on power depends on the retelling of a great lie, the truth can be a dangerous thing...

Those citizens are prolly stoked they don't have to return. I would be like fuck it, I was out anyways.
Fear that they will reveal the outcomes? What, does he have a pool going at the office or something?
Is he really convinced that the media lock down there is so secure that absolutely no one in the entire country knows anything about the outside world?
And yeah, I bet more people are signing up for jobs in Libya now.;)
After reading the article, I'm thinking that the nK's on the ground in Libya are probably pretty competent engineers and/or weapons experts... maybe we need to think about getting those guys on our payroll before someone else does.
And get a little inside info on what they might have been working on or seen back in north Korea.
North Korea has banned its own citizens working in Libya from returning home, apparently out of fear that they will reveal the extent - and final outcomes - of the revolutions that have shaken the Arab world.

More like the old Soviet paranoia that if you were a POW you couldn't be trusted. They probably view their peeps as tainted goods now. Besides, the NKs are probably also afraid that their own people have seen how it works, how to foster revolt, and would return to do the same.
They are screwed. Libyans will probably throw them in jail for being in the country illegally. They will be lucky if the don't get shot.
South Korea should police their asses up and integrate them in society; then beam pics/radio interviews northward.
They caught a ship here trying to smuggle heroin ashore. I do believe the Viagra they make is 10% stronger thsn the real stuff.