Good Afternoon Everyone,
My name is Al, I've been lurking on this site on and off for some time now. I'm in the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch as an Int Op (enlisted Analyst type position) with SOF aspirations. I initially found this site years ago looking for cool SOF photos prior to enlisting (as teenagers do), wanted to join the site and get all the juicy info last year but found that the site was closed for reasons, I recently learned that it's now back up and am glad to be here, I'm even happier to see the community as strong as ever!
Currently, I am still in the midst of the training pipeline and have a long way to go, and I have a (very) distant goal of pursuing SOF as a Special Operations Assaulter/S1 in the future. I'm here to gain more information to help prepare myself and to gain insight from men who've been there and done that. Although I understand the difficulties and struggles involved in this type of career goal and the types of "I'm gonna be an Assaulter!!" type posts I'm sure this site has seen before. I hope I will be able to take advantage of the years worth of accumulated knowledge this community has to offer and conduct myself in a proper manner on here, as well as provide my own insights and knowledge whenever applicable.
My name is Al, I've been lurking on this site on and off for some time now. I'm in the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch as an Int Op (enlisted Analyst type position) with SOF aspirations. I initially found this site years ago looking for cool SOF photos prior to enlisting (as teenagers do), wanted to join the site and get all the juicy info last year but found that the site was closed for reasons, I recently learned that it's now back up and am glad to be here, I'm even happier to see the community as strong as ever!
Currently, I am still in the midst of the training pipeline and have a long way to go, and I have a (very) distant goal of pursuing SOF as a Special Operations Assaulter/S1 in the future. I'm here to gain more information to help prepare myself and to gain insight from men who've been there and done that. Although I understand the difficulties and struggles involved in this type of career goal and the types of "I'm gonna be an Assaulter!!" type posts I'm sure this site has seen before. I hope I will be able to take advantage of the years worth of accumulated knowledge this community has to offer and conduct myself in a proper manner on here, as well as provide my own insights and knowledge whenever applicable.