Looking for advice

irish greg

Verified Military
Nov 23, 2022
So, a little about me. I just transferred over to cyber branch, really enjoy the technical side of things and I am a major now...but...I am not digging my future in the army as a field grade officer. So I was thinking of either trying to become a cyber warrant, where I could do more hands on, technical work or try to go O to E for SFAS and become an 18E.

Ultimately, I lost all my drive for a future as an army officer. I am just looking at alternatives since I have over 11 years in. I would love to be apart of a brotherhood/ team of teams in special operations.

I thought I could slug 9 more years away...but I just don't think I can. I have a fire burning in me to go and test my mettle in a selection. I might be older but I feel like I am in the best shape I've been in since college.

Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'll also be in the Fayetteville area in October, pcsed to fort Liberty, so I am open to linking up with anyone. Thanks!

- Old Greg
It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of what us went through at O4.

If you like cyber stuff, and your SOF minded, have you considered trying out for a cyber job in SOF?