Looking for training partners on Camp Pendleton


Jul 16, 2013
Camp Pendleton, California
How's it going guys. I'm trying to find some training partners in the Camp Pendleton area to add a new dimension to my training. Swimming is my struggle point right now, I'm just inefficient and it'd be awesome to find some guys that could meet at a training tank on base and help each other out. Maybe get together on the weekend and do some longer rucks or ruck/swim/rucks. If anyone is interested let me know.
I'm looking into the same thing you are but I'm located about an 1.5 hours away.

However, I am trying to improve my swimming (endurance/ speed) as well. Check this site out


It will give you some tips as well as a workout plan for swimming.

Just go to google and type in your goals. For example: endurance training swimming

Hope this helps and good luck.
I'm looking into the same thing you are but I'm located about an 1.5 hours away.

However, I am trying to improve my swimming (endurance/ speed) as well. Check this site out


It will give you some tips as well as a workout plan for swimming.

Just go to google and type in your goals. For example: endurance training swimming

Hope this helps and good luck.
Yeah it definitely helps. Im gonna look more into that link. I appreciate it.
It'd be nice to have a buddy to swim with at least. I suck at it, so I need to do it more than anything else right now. I'm in San Mateo 62 Area, what pools are around you that would work?