Respectful Greetings! I am Michael A. Aquino, LTC, PO, USA-Ret who has spent most of my career in the somewhat obscure position of "Politico-Military Affairs Officer" (PSSI 48G). Thus I spent time as a FAO with NATO, an attaché, and with agencies such as USIA (now part of DOS), DOS, CIA, DIA. Pretty much chewed up & spit out by Bragg: SF, CA, PSYOP, & FAO. Did a year in Vietnam 1969-70, all over IIICTZ & elsewhere, wondering why the buttons on the front of my jungle fatigues kept me so far off the ground when things got noisy. Looking for a change of pace from all this Spook stuff, went through Space Intelligence training with the USAF in 1990 and spent my last 4 years as one of the Army's first space officers at J2X/MJ, USSPACECOM, Peterson AFB & Cheyenne Mountain - which would have been a peaceful place to work except for the occasional ruckus from the Stargate downstairs.
I have been involved in what you might call the "esoteric research extreme" of Special Ops, and particularly PSYOP, since post-vietnam. My boss MG Paul Vallely and I were annoyed by PSYOP's inadequacy in action, and at unnecessary casualty statistics because of this. Hence in 1981 the original MindWar concept, which in 2013 (updated 2016) I published in book form - now circulating within official circles and also available to the U.S.-sovereign public. You might call it a sort of 22nd-century mechanism for winning wars before they start, without shooting or blowing up anyone. The elder combat arms can take a rest, because MW is a SF, PSYOP, & CA gig - after their complete evolutions into the new branches of MetaForce, MindWar, & ParaPolitics respectively. As I quote Walt Disney, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
There's a lot of accumulted experience and wisdom here on ShadowSpear, so I look forward to learning from it, and having MW's feet held to the fire as appropriate. Let's win or neutralize all future wars, and retire the Purple Heart with Crossed Palms.
I have been involved in what you might call the "esoteric research extreme" of Special Ops, and particularly PSYOP, since post-vietnam. My boss MG Paul Vallely and I were annoyed by PSYOP's inadequacy in action, and at unnecessary casualty statistics because of this. Hence in 1981 the original MindWar concept, which in 2013 (updated 2016) I published in book form - now circulating within official circles and also available to the U.S.-sovereign public. You might call it a sort of 22nd-century mechanism for winning wars before they start, without shooting or blowing up anyone. The elder combat arms can take a rest, because MW is a SF, PSYOP, & CA gig - after their complete evolutions into the new branches of MetaForce, MindWar, & ParaPolitics respectively. As I quote Walt Disney, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
There's a lot of accumulted experience and wisdom here on ShadowSpear, so I look forward to learning from it, and having MW's feet held to the fire as appropriate. Let's win or neutralize all future wars, and retire the Purple Heart with Crossed Palms.