Marine Infantry to Army Ranger

I'll tell you only what I know (deploying with and working with Ranger Teams, 1st and 3rd Batt)- I have perceived their leadership to be well above average. I have a lot of respect for how they grow and breed leaders.

Granted, small focus group (only 3 deployments) and I could be missing something. But I disagree with you, @KShaft

Well I would agree with you disagreeing with my misconception from almost two decades ago sir, and agree with your statement above.
Next to address this point, this was a view totally, arbitrarily, contrived. I should have said that this conception in my mind might have had nothing to do with reality.


My impressions of Rangers were mostly from the Bowden book, no real world experience with them whatsoever

You were doing fine if you had just stopped right there.

My post did mention specifically DA so thats why I referred to "smarter ones go to CAG". This was just a "best and brightest" saying FOR DA.

Obviously, you have no idea just exactly how many Rangers have made the "Long Walk" and make up the roster (And have over the years)


I was drunk, I read a book, I made a post and did so without any real world, first hand knowledge of specific examples that would quantify or substantiate the statement that started all this.

Good luck with your aspirations.

I'm done here.