Marine recruit dies during training at Paris Island...


Sep 12, 2012
So the story says he was on Day 11 - sheesh, that's barely out of receiving and into his class pickup.

Things that make me go, "hmmm..." about this story:
- Article makes a point to note he was a Muslim recruit
- The Corps is offering no comment on cause of death.

Probably it's nothing, but why not say, "the young man fell out of an initial PT run and collapsed" or something along that line. Why the mystery? Unless there is something mysterious that happened to him?

God, I hope not. I'll leave all my speculation at that, since that is all it would be is speculation.

Marine corp open investigation into death of Muslim recruit, 20
So the story says he was on Day 11 - sheesh, that's barely out of receiving and into his class pickup.

Things that make me go, "hmmm..." about this story:
- Article makes a point to note he was a Muslim recruit
- The Corps is offering no comment on cause of death.

Probably it's nothing, but why not say, "the young man fell out of an initial PT run and collapsed" or something along that line. Why the mystery? Unless there is something mysterious that happened to him?

God, I hope not. I'll leave all my speculation at that, since that is all it would be is speculation.

Marine corp open investigation into death of Muslim recruit, 20

The media bringing it up is enough speculation because that's what the vermin do, they need to shape the narrative. He's not a Recruit, he's a Muslim Recruit. Simply adding "Muslim" automatically makes one think of a hate crime so now we're pre-judging the DI's with zero facts in the case, minus the deceased's religion.

Great, NCIS is investigating and no one's talking. You know what? I'm HAPPY this is happening! Not the death, but the lack of leaks and whatnot at this point in time. We don't need to know right now, but we should know later once this is put to bed. See my point above because they tie-in together: innocent until proven guilty. Was it a suicide? Hazing? Torture? Scared to death by a bunny rabbit? We don't know.

The religion could disappear tomorrow and my concern is sudden unemployment. With that said, we don't need to know if he's a Muslim because his religion is irrelevant without any other official facts.

Until then, Blue Skies, Recruit.
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My bet is an unknown heart condition.

That was the first thing I thought of too. It is also the reason I was surprised that there was no statement of any type describing what happened - I'm all for a lockdown on any info until NCIS finishes its investigation, but it is such a rare occurrence that no one opens their yap, I get immediately suspicious when people do what they are supposed to do.

The media bringing it up is enough speculation because that's what the vermin do, they need to shape the narrative. He's not a Recruit, he's a Muslim Recruit. Simply adding "Muslim" automatically makes one think of a hate crime so now we're pre-judging the DI's with zero facts in the case, minus the deceased's religion.

Great, NCIS is investigating and no one's talking. You know what? I'm HAPPY this is happening! Not the death, but the lack of leaks and whatnot at this point in time. We don't need to know right now, but we should know later once this is put to bed. See my point above because they tie-in together: innocent until proven guilty. Was it a suicide? Hazing? Torture? Scared to death by a bunny rabbit? We don't know.

The religion could disappear tomorrow and my concern is sudden unemployment. With that said, we don't need to know if he's a Muslim because his religion is irrelevant without any other official facts.

Until then, Blue Skies, Recruit.

To add to that, I'll just point out that we're literally at the close of the next business day after the death. I'd prefer to allow a reasonable time for the appropriate folks (NCIS and associated entities) to do their job before people start running their mouths.

RIP, recruit.
A colleague of mine was down there a few years ago, maybe 5, doing her AT at the Naval hospital. A couple recruits came in with bacterial meningitis, I think one died. Smart money is on an undiagnosed heart issue, but those barracks are petri dishes, and stuff grows and spreads like wildfire.
Damn - the kid killed himself.

I have a friend who joined a few months before me. He freaked out in Receiving and threatened to kill himself. (this was 1989). They sent him home - sad though. Although alive, he never did anything with his life and to this day regrets quitting.

NCIS is still investigating - I'll admit surprise that he was talked into continuing to train. For those who may have done some time on the Drill Field here, is it unusual for a recruit to cry suicide ?

Family: Parris Island says recruit jumped to his death
The suicide attempts are pretty common over On Sand Hill, especially at 30th (reception, before you head to actual basic). My second night in the army was spent on suicide watch. In 10 days 4 different kids either attempted or threatened to kill themselves. I know one kid in another company at my basic battalion almost finished the job but there does seem to be a drop once people are into the training cycle.
It has been a long time, but I swear I remember that we had to account for every round given to us at the rifle range - and then turn back in an equal number of shell casings. I suppose since we carried our rifles with us nearly everywhere, they had to have a system in place to ensure someone did not take a live round back to the barracks.
It has been a long time, but I swear I remember that we had to account for every round given to us at the rifle range - and then turn back in an equal number of shell casings. I suppose since we carried our rifles with us nearly everywhere, they had to have a system in place to ensure someone did not take a live round back to the barracks.

Had a recruit in our Series sneak a round from the range and he shot and killed himself with his M14. Had another in my platoon "slit his wrists" but he only scratched himself enough to bleed and it was his quick ticket home.
Suicidal ideations aren't uncommon in reception, but I don't know of any before this kid that actually went through with it. A former boyfriend from high school shipped out to Leonard Wood, and never made it past reception before threatening to kill himself. I think he'd been there four days before he really went round the twist, and they chaptered him out.
I admit having SI (suicidal ideation) baffles me, but we all come from different places (not physical places, per se, but mental and emotional places). Boot camp, to me, was just a diversion. Some kids went nuts. I imagine going straight from home and high school where there was coddling and some independence straight into a boot camp environment may be a tough transition for some, but honestly, the SI just baffles me.
We had one that overdosed on the only thing he could use at the time -- Flintstone Vitamins. We had one physically removed in a straitjacket while another jumped out of our barracks window.

It was actually sad to watch!

Rest In Peace, Recruit!
"ZOMG!!!!!!!! A Muslim died on a Marine Corps base!!!!!! Oh, what's that? He killed himself? ZOMG!!!!! This woman wants to keep an alligator as a pet!!!!!!!"
"ZOMG!!!!!!!! A Muslim died on a Marine Corps base!!!!!! Oh, what's that? He killed himself? ZOMG!!!!! This woman wants to keep an alligator as a pet!!!!!!!"
In people's defense, recruits jumping off the third deck in an attempt to kill themselves is a fairly common occurrence.
In people's defense, recruits jumping off the third deck in an attempt to kill themselves is a fairly common occurrence.

My point being the media was ready to spin this as a hate crime (why bring up his religion?) with all of the potential ugly tie-ins because it was on a military base. "NCIS is investigating. No one is talking." Because the NCIS wouldn't investigate EVERY death on a Naval installation? No one's leaking information or providing a formal comment? Have we become so accustomed to leaks and press highlights we're now suspicious when the opposite occurs?

With the "big reveal" that the man killed himself it dropped off the radar and as you've mentioned this is somewhat common, but there's no story in recruits offing themselves or suicide rates/ attempts for trainees. The sensationalism evaporated and the media vermin couldn't leave the story fast enough.
It's culture shock and immediate harassment and intimidation when you first "meet" your SDI and the Kill Hats. Jumping off the third deck is a new one on me. I mean, you might survive it.
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