Alright apparently my computer is possesed. Disregard the second addition of the same post.
You must be seeing things, what second edition? ;)
Alright apparently my computer is possesed. Disregard the second addition of the same post.
I'm not a Marine, or a grunt. But I have friends who are, and MARSOC isn't on their list of complaints. Broken cutting score system, poor treatment, ridiculous standards, etc. But that is just what my friends tell me. I guess I'll let y'all judge.
Is it much the same in the army?
I'm not a Marine, or a grunt. But I have friends who are, and MARSOC isn't on their list of complaints. Broken cutting score system, poor treatment, ridiculous standards, etc. But that is just what my friends tell me. I guess I'll let y'all judge
Not at all. Just what my buddies have told me.
Alright then.
Not at all. Just what my buddies have told me. They love being in the corps, and my Army friends who do bash the corps, I defend the corps by explaining to them that the USMC isn't just America's second Army, but a branch with its own unique mission that the traditional Army can't fulfill, at least not in as a efficient a fashion. But again, my comments above are based on what my Marine buddies have told me, and being a fairly new sailor to the fleet, I can't speak from experience.
Here's a hint to keep your vast store of military knowledge, current and correct... the interservice bashing is mostly Sturm und Drang... Marines may be a bit slower than most, and SEALs a bit more arrogant, PJs have great hair, Rangers break things, SWCC get lots of cool toys, and SF is the absolute titz... but we all back and support each other when it comes to tight spots. Period. Dot. The End. Hearsay is not admissible in court, and it has the weight of Helium here....
You are pushing the limits of patience among more than a couple of members - you have been asked to hold your immense 4 months of on the job knowledge in your pie hole... aren't you tired of the verbal abuse yet?
Take the guidance, shhhhhhhhhhh, open eyes and ears, shut mouth and break fingers.... learn, don't lecture, please.