MarSOC: The Effect On The Rifle Squad

Yup my computer is definitely acting weird, that or Afghanistan is driving me crazy. Probably the latter.
Very intriguing article to say the least. I don't want to repeat all the above, it is all spot on. What I find very amusing is the fact that this is somehow Marsoc's fault, the picture painted by the writer.
Who wouldn't want to leave? Let's be realistic. There is nothing worse than having a solid NCO, the type that is physically fit, technically and tactically proficient, and at the end of the day, has to take it down about 12 notches because the field is so "in the box" that creative solutions are frowned upon. When a squad leader or vehicle commander only needs the endstate to accomplish the tasks given, he is instead given a play by play. Where are his peers? In the barracks room playing XBox. This NCO does his best to police his own, be an inspiration to his Marines, and keep it professional.
At the end of the day, reality sets in. No matter how much faith he has to make his unit better, it must be a team effort, not a one man show. Once he realizes the facts, he knows he can do better, and pursues Marsoc, or a LatMov to EOD, CI, or Recon. Special Duty? Maybe, if he is willing to come back to it after 3 years.
Not every leader is perfect. I have had LT's that I had to mentor and allow them to trust our leadership. Sad truth is that they have been burned in the past by their NCO's and SNCO. It is important to make professional and trustworthy working relationships with key leaders. When Cpl Whoever says he's got it, he needs to perform. Sgt. 6th Deployment, (with the same unit) needs to stop disappearing when tasked out and complaining about his company in front of junior Marines, and thinking he is God's gift. He hasn't left because he is comfortable.
Where am I going with this?
If the mentorship, development, work ethic, maturity, and COMPETENCE was where it needed to be on ALL levels, no one would leave. Period.
I'm not a Marine, or a grunt. But I have friends who are, and MARSOC isn't on their list of complaints. Broken cutting score system, poor treatment, ridiculous standards, etc. But that is just what my friends tell me. I guess I'll let y'all judge.
I'm not a Marine, or a grunt. But I have friends who are, and MARSOC isn't on their list of complaints. Broken cutting score system, poor treatment, ridiculous standards, etc. But that is just what my friends tell me. I guess I'll let y'all judge.

Thank you for your input, I appreciate your experience as a 21 yr old Sailor, clarifies things for me as a 22 yr Soldier...
I'm not a Marine, or a grunt. But I have friends who are, and MARSOC isn't on their list of complaints. Broken cutting score system, poor treatment, ridiculous standards, etc. But that is just what my friends tell me. I guess I'll let y'all judge

I wouldn't go that far. We have our fair share of kinks, but I know there is much to be proud of. I hope the stated post above didn't come off as a Corps bash. Seems to be you may have taken it that way, and in all reality, it was just intended to shed some light on an article written.
Not at all. Just what my buddies have told me. They love being in the corps, and my Army friends who do bash the corps, I defend the corps by explaining to them that the USMC isn't just America's second Army, but a branch with its own unique mission that the traditional Army can't fulfill, at least not in as a efficient a fashion. But again, my comments above are based on what my Marine buddies have told me, and being a fairly new sailor to the fleet, I can't speak from experience.
Not at all. Just what my buddies have told me.

As with the grammar, you will tend to find the "my buddies told me" reasoning less than acceptable on this site, particularly for someone as vastly experienced as yourself. To date you have intimated that you have knowledge of MARSOC, the SEAL Teams, and the complaints of a Marine rifle squad about the USMC. You've been in the Navy since what, breakfast?
I'm not a Marine, or a grunt. But I have friends who are, and MARSOC isn't on their list of complaints. Broken cutting score system, poor treatment, ridiculous standards, etc. But that is just what my friends tell me. I guess I'll let y'all judge.
Alright then.

This is what people here have been trying to get you to do.


Really, it's not that difficult.
Not at all. Just what my buddies have told me. They love being in the corps, and my Army friends who do bash the corps, I defend the corps by explaining to them that the USMC isn't just America's second Army, but a branch with its own unique mission that the traditional Army can't fulfill, at least not in as a efficient a fashion. But again, my comments above are based on what my Marine buddies have told me, and being a fairly new sailor to the fleet, I can't speak from experience.

Here's a hint to keep your vast store of military knowledge, current and correct... the interservice bashing is mostly Sturm und Drang... Marines may be a bit slower than most, and SEALs a bit more arrogant, PJs have great hair, Rangers break things, SWCC get lots of cool toys, and SF is the absolute titz... but we all back and support each other when it comes to tight spots. Period. Dot. The End. Hearsay is not admissible in court, and it has the weight of Helium here....

You are pushing the limits of patience among more than a couple of members - you have been asked to hold your immense 4 months of on the job knowledge in your pie hole... aren't you tired of the verbal abuse yet?

Take the guidance, shhhhhhhhhhh, open eyes and ears, shut mouth and break fingers.... learn, don't lecture, please.
To the MARSOC Marines here, particularly CSOs: What kind of quality have you seen from the support guys coming to the command? I finally got to read that MCtimes article about the command's support personnel and the impression I got was that they were taking a lot of boots and guys with no deployments. Are they still quality guys? What, if anything, do you think could be improved about the recruiting or screening process?
Here's a hint to keep your vast store of military knowledge, current and correct... the interservice bashing is mostly Sturm und Drang... Marines may be a bit slower than most, and SEALs a bit more arrogant, PJs have great hair, Rangers break things, SWCC get lots of cool toys, and SF is the absolute titz... but we all back and support each other when it comes to tight spots. Period. Dot. The End. Hearsay is not admissible in court, and it has the weight of Helium here....

You are pushing the limits of patience among more than a couple of members - you have been asked to hold your immense 4 months of on the job knowledge in your pie hole... aren't you tired of the verbal abuse yet?

Take the guidance, shhhhhhhhhhh, open eyes and ears, shut mouth and break fingers.... learn, don't lecture, please.

My like button is broken. Well said, and not a bad idea to have it said again.

My experience, is that if it was not for the other services, there would be a lot more dead Marines, besides being hungry, not supplied, etc We are a team, each member is important.