Mauser Barrel?

Diamondback 2/2

Verified Military
Jan 24, 2008
Military Mentor
I am looking for a heavy bull barrel in 308 for a Mauser 98 (large ring) action, the only barrels i have found have been at Midway and they are all "contour" barrel's. I want a target/ match grade barrel with the chamber unfinished 20 to 26 inch's...

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Man I have been a google retard all day looking for one, I am begining to think I am going to have to have Douglas or Kraiger cut one for me. I was hoping to get the cost down by finding one already on the market.
I just ordered this one:

It was on sale and it will fit my need. I am tinkering around with an old mauser action I had laying around, not sure if I am going to do a tactical or a sportser build. I was thinking about building a 20 inch tactical SWS off the mauser action, but I will need to see what this barrel will look like if I cut it down to 20 inches. I have a tactical stock design I came up with that I would like to build out of a peice of Iron wood I have, but I guess if it's not going to look the way I want then I am just going to build it on a sport'er/ hunter design...

In other words I am on 30 days of CON-LEAVE and bord out of my mind... :evil:
If you where near me, I would let you use my lathe and crowning cutters. Sounds like a good project. Hope it all works.

Holy fuck! Dude you have a gun lathe? Man you have got some money tied up!

I have a buddy here local who owns a gunshop/gunsmith shop and he has a lathe, cnc and cutter/reamer die set. I was planning to just intrude on his shop when the parts come in. I will post up some pictures when it is finished...