McChrsytal, Petraeus, Other Flag Officers Start Gun Control Group


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
"Veterans Coalition For Common Sense"

General Stanley McChrystal and General David Petraeus are headlining a list of powerful former flag officers from all of the military’s armed services who are supporting a new gun control advocacy group, The Veterans Coalition for Common Sense. Both generals retain enormous popularity within the veteran community, but that might change if this new group comes across more as gun grabbers than veterans’ advocates.
With the organization's title, there is an implication that "common sense" is the basis of correct reasoning.

It isn't. Pass.
I some what get what their focus is, but, as we all know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Color me skeptical.
One would think a "leader" that was truly concerned would merely advocate enforcing EXISTING gun laws. There sure are a lot of democrats on that list. Ward and Patreaus? I would not want to be associated with them. Looks like a list of SECDEF candidates for Hillary.

High gun crime areas have stringent gun laws, which aren't enforced, causing high levels of gun crimes, causing more laws...

Why doesn't FBI keep stats on how many felons actually purchased guns via "legal" means vs acquiring them on the streets?

How many diagnosed violent mentally ill people were allowed to buy guns? More importantly, why were they out on the streets?
McC's always held these views or some those similar. Adding the "common sense" part of the name....good marketing campaign for them. Good way to tap into emotions there.

Mark Kelly and Wesley Clark? Say what you want about McChrystal, but he just hopped into bed with a couple of turds. Time for veterans to eat their young and watch your 2A rights erode a bit in the upcoming years.
One would think a "leader" that was truly concerned would merely advocate enforcing EXISTING gun laws.
Kinda like Donald Trump's wall. It's already on the books, he's just going to enforce it (supposedly).
Adding the "common sense" part of the name....good marketing campaign for them. Good way to tap into emotions there.
I really hate this ploy, and politicians love it. I hate it because it's so effective.

Politician says, "if you were smart, you would believe me."

Joe citizen says, "I am smart, so I do believe you."

Next thing you know, people have turned a 180 on their beliefs to prove that they are smart. It's a logical fallacy for sure.
"Common Sense" would be me not having to shell out hundreds of dollars and dozens of hours of my time to get a new permit every time the Army moves me to a different state.
It's a way of tacitly insulting anyone who disagrees with you, no matter how asinine your assertion.
Sounds like a great way for them to earn high end salaries, write off vehicles and travel perks. All while collecting their dues and keeping in good with the next Monarch.

Follow the money...
Sounds like a great way for them to earn high end salaries, write off vehicles and travel perks. All while collecting their dues and keeping in good with the next Monarch.

Follow the money...
Putting their eggs in the Hillary basket? She's the one to side with if personal profit is your goal.
This is another case of "Common Sense" really being Politically Correct. There is no common sense where it needs to be.
Putting their eggs in the Hillary basket? She's the one to side with if personal profit is your goal.

Not sure if they are putting their eggs in her basket. I tend to still think there will be a political magic show around August/September time frame. I guess we will see what we see. But there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is more about money than the politics of gun control.
I blame this on Hollywood.

Sometime ago, it became normal for them to think we care what their political views are.
Now, it seems Generals with nothing to do want to follow suit.

Not surprised to see Clark on this list. Quite a few Navy and Coast Guard. :whatever: There's one Marine on this list. One is too many.
Not sure if they are putting their eggs in her basket. I tend to still think there will be a political magic show around August/September time frame. I guess we will see what we see. But there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is more about money than the politics of gun control.

All of the GOs that I know on that list (not that there are a lot of them) are Democrats, with the possible exception of Petraeus. Most of them are probably looking at a Democratic victory in the upcoming election, and what their role in a Hillary Clinton administration might be.