Meanwhile in France….


Sep 12, 2012
President Macron Says He is “Opposed to Self-Defense” After Farmer Shoots One of Four Burglars Who Broke Into His Home

Here’s the money quote…

However, Macron responded to the story by asserting that the 35-year-old farmer had no right to defend himself or his daughter in such a manner.

“Everyone must be safe, and the public authorities have to ensure it,” Macron told Europe 1.

“But I am opposed to self-defense. It’s very clear and undisputable because otherwise the country becomes the Wild West. And I don’t want a country where weapons proliferate and where we consider that it’s up to the citizens to defend themselves,” said Macron.
I thought that was an interesting article, and my initial response was something along the lines of, "Only someone whose complete existence is completely secured by armed men would say something like that."

But then I read the article, which was from a source I never heard of before. I then tried to find it in major outlets, but only turned up other sites I had never heard of. Those, and InfoWars. That doesn't mean the story isn't true, of course, it just means it doesn't appear to be reported in major conventional news sites. Yet.
The French make me feel all icky. Sure, I was around some in the military, and they were all good guys (so far as my interactions went). The FFL is locked on; but then, they were all non-French. My French neighbor is the Duke fencing coach, and although he is pretty chill most of the time he can't but help let a rude-ass, snide anti-American comment slip out from time to time.

Yeah...I've no use for the French...
It could still be true and just not being reported on elsewhere.
This is the original article that was used by the article posted. 'I am opposed to self-defense' – Macron says farmer had no right to kill a burglar who broke into his home

Here is the French source, Europe 1: Emmanuel Macron à Europe 1 : «Je suis opposé à la légitime défense»

Europe 1 is a massive French Radio Station/Network. Very mainstream...but most US networks don't speak French so of course this will get no play on our MSM, on even a FNC. But he does in fact say he is opposed to self-defense. Which is wild.

This is him saying it…or so I am led to believe…(anyone speak French?(

Yeah, it's totally legit.
This is the original article that was used by the article posted. 'I am opposed to self-defense' – Macron says farmer had no right to kill a burglar who broke into his home

Here is the French source, Europe 1: Emmanuel Macron à Europe 1 : «Je suis opposé à la légitime défense»

Europe 1 is a massive French Radio Station/Network. Very mainstream...but most US networks don't speak French so of course this will get no play on our MSM, on even a FNC. But he does in fact say he is opposed to self-defense. Which is wild.

Yeah, it's totally legit.

Well fuck that frog twice. No wonder the Germans wiped their ass with France three times in a row.
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I mean, you don't need to defend your home if you can bleed the Commonwealth dry until American politics allows the Arsenal of Democracy to enter the chat.

My bitterness towards history aside, how fucking stupid do you have to be to say that you and your fellow citizens have no right to defend themselves?

I have a post in my head, but I'm not wasting my time to type up what we already know.

What a trash-ass country.
This is the original article that was used by the article posted. 'I am opposed to self-defense' – Macron says farmer had no right to kill a burglar who broke into his home

Here is the French source, Europe 1: Emmanuel Macron à Europe 1 : «Je suis opposé à la légitime défense»

Europe 1 is a massive French Radio Station/Network. Very mainstream...but most US networks don't speak French so of course this will get no play on our MSM, on even a FNC. But he does in fact say he is opposed to self-defense. Which is wild.

Yeah, it's totally legit.

Well fuck that frog twice. No wonder the Germans wiped their ass with France three times in a row.

Whenever I read about how progressive Europe can be in a lot of factors, I fantasize living there but then read about stuff that just makes me shake my head, I realize we don't have it so bad here.

Unrelated, but I saw a video about how France wants to increase 'green energy' in the form of nuclear energy, while Germany decides to dismantle nuclear in favor of solar and continue to use Earth warming/baby penguin killing Russian oil and coal. Can't be smart in all areas I guess.