Measles are gateway to total control

I mean... the parents of the unvaccinated kids are putting all the other children at risk... and at the end of the day every school I went to required a physical or some sort of medical record to insure that kids were up to date on vaccinations.... so I wouldn’t jump to equating this to “let me see de papers for de feuhr.” I’m more pissed at the anti-vax movement than I am at the school board/state for this.
Don't get me started on those idiot anti-vaxxers.

BUT, the proper way to deal with them is not to make an ill-advised step like this.

Sure, they're not going to ask for papers, it's supposed to be retroactive, but how do they track people's movements to apply it retroactively? It's an unenforceable piece of crap.

Both the mass media and social media will spin this way out of control.

I mean... the parents of the unvaccinated kids are putting all the other children at risk...

So I hear this a lot, and I've got two questions that I haven't heard addressed from this point of view (I'm honestly curious, not trying to be a troll or anything):
  1. Situation: 2 kids, one is vaccinated, one isn't.
    The unvaccinated kid is supposedly putting the other at risk. But if the other kid is vaccinated, what are they at risk of?

  2. Disclaimer: I'm reasoning by analogy to antibiotics, but this might not be valid, I don't know.
    I imagine that the near ubiquity of vaccines is placing massive selection pressure on the virus/bacteria in question, which means that the more we use them, the less effective they will become as the organism adapts. If this leads to superbugs that can't be inoculated against, then the individual-level choice to vaccinate, while this may be the correct risk-reduction action, would actually increase risk at the collective level. If this reasoning holds up, then isn't every single parent who vaccinates their child(ren) putting everyone, possibly the entire species, at risk?

    More disclamation: Obviously this sounds wildly hyperbolic. And obviously, even if true, the 'blame' assigned to these parents would be super minuscule (as that risk of future vaccine-proof disease is unknown and shared across all the vaccinating parents).
I'm looking forward to hearing some thoughts and opinions about this!
So I hear this a lot, and I've got two questions that I haven't heard addressed from this point of view (I'm honestly curious, not trying to be a troll or anything):
  1. Situation: 2 kids, one is vaccinated, one isn't.
    The unvaccinated kid is supposedly putting the other at risk. But if the other kid is vaccinated, what are they at risk of?
Kids who can’t be vaccinated due to allergies or other health issues are the main problem. So the kids who can’t be vaccinated are out at risk by those who’s parents chose not to Follow all pertinent medical advice. That’s where these outbreaks come from.
A slight aside...if a person doesn't get an annual flu shot, are they considered part of the anti-vax crowd too? Asking for a friend.

As someone who doesn't participate in annual flu shots because I never get sick (which is ironic because I'm recovering from bronchitis right now) I don't consider myself a anti-vaxxer. I understand the value and benefits of them and I'm vaccinated for the usual and you bet your ass the mini me whenever that happens is getting shot up as well.
You can't enforce (a ban) unless people come clean about their vax status.

Of the people who do not vax, 20% are because of medical or religious reasons. No amount of education will move this group. 80% choose to not vax because of what they read on the interwebs, or what their sister-in-law's cousin told them, etc. This group can be reached.

Of the percentage attached to 'non-compliant' are parents who choose to split vaccinations into "non-approved" schedules (i.e., kids don't get them all at once and maybe over a few different visits) as well as people who vaccinate later than recommended.

Vaccinations are broken down into 2 groups: the mandatory (MMR, polio, etc.), and the gee-you-really-need-to (Hep A, flu, mening, etc.).

RE: flu shot, I get it for 2 reasons: 1) my employer mandates it, and 2) I have kids at home. I am not worried about me, but I am worried about what I take home. FWIW there have been over 130 deaths from flu in NC.
Having been part of a program to T&E vaccines and medical enhancements for the military. I clearly see the need to vaccinate. Precisely for the reasons @Devildoc stated. However, I get deathly ill every time I have taken a flu shot. So I don't take it anymore. I took a pneumonia vaccination, ended up with pneumonia. So there is clearly a percentage of us for whom some vaccines are not an option. I say let folks decide whether or not to vaccinate. It's a matter of free will, in a free country. Isn't that what this is about?
There are negative externalities with non-vaccination.

The True Dollar Cost of the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Not to mention cost in lost productivity and wages. But the article looks at the extreme edge of the problem. The most reasonable and frequent is your kid does not get the chicken pox vaccine, he is out of school for 5 days.

Public health costs are way, way, WAY higher with other diseases like sexually transmitted infections, opioid epidemic, etc.
So I hear this a lot, and I've got two questions that I haven't heard addressed from this point of view (I'm honestly curious, not trying to be a troll or anything):
  1. Situation: 2 kids, one is vaccinated, one isn't.
    The unvaccinated kid is supposedly putting the other at risk. But if the other kid is vaccinated, what are they at risk of?

Funny thing is, it's the other way around. Those who have not been vaccinated for polio can get it from a baby who has just been vaccinated.
Staten Island dad gets $22.5M in polio case vs. Lederle Laboratories

For the record, I am not anti-vaccination. I had my youngest vaccinated and made sure those vaccinations did not contain the mercury preservatives. Guess what? Autism anyway cuz, heredity. Been running in my family for generations (and I am no exception to the rule).

ETA: As far as the OP, crazy runs rampant in NY and there ain't no cure.
Health commissioner in Williamsburg (Brooklyn) orders ALL residents to get vaccinated or pay a $1000.00 fine. 300+ cases reported as of 6 hours ago. I am in Newport RI in prep for a funeral at Exeter. Just saw the report on the channel 12 news. https:///
I am actually Autistic and its kinda insulting when someone says they won't vaccinate because they don't want their kids to become Autistic. They would rather their kids get measles or whatever than Autism.