Meet "TR"...full frontal

I did some surveillance work for a private investigator in the Texas Hill Country a few years back. He and his partner ran dogs that were trained to sniff out cellular phones of all things. They had a contract with state/federal/private prisons to go in periodically and do sweeps. They were doing very well at it, as in BBQ pistol packing, $70k pick up driving, $3k+ boots wearing, paid me cash from a roll in his pocket kind of doing really well.

And if I'm not mistaken a PI lic in Florida is no big deal with a mil background...just sayin

Unfortunately, none of the above have presented themselves yet. Just the FedEx man to whom I've pledged not to let TR kill as long as he makes prompt deliveries, especially of ammo and cool guy stuff. :thumbsup:

By the way, same-said FedEx man brought me this today


I'd like to train him to track.

Tracking is some good stuff. Off the top of my head there are two groups that train/work tracking Mals and Dutchies - Georgia K9 on the East, and Dyas K9 on the West Coast. Some real great dogs come out of there. I don't track so I'm not sure about other groups. I think some LE Offices allow some people to come train with them.

Good luck with your Mal, he's gonna be great. Keep us posted! :thumbsup: