Much appreciation

Sage eggleston

Jun 15, 2015
I want to take the time to really thank the community,members and admins of this website. Without this sight a lot of valuable information, motivation and wisdom would be lost. I leave for basic in a week on a chance to become a TACP. Even though I haven't posted much beside a intro and a question a while back, I've have and still enjoy taking the time to read everyone's responses and questions. This forum group has taught me to not always ask someone to spell it out. Finding Information isn't rocket surgery and this website is easy to navigate. Lastly that proof reading content is very important before being posted. Again thank you everyone for your service and the time you all put into keeping this website running!
Good luck. Step 1 of a long journey. Stay motivated, keep your eye on target, and don't do any stupid shit.
Good luck. Be a fucking gunfighter first- PT and combatives, shoot, move, communicate.

Be the best basic level dude you can be.

Let us know how it works out.
Report back to us your progress. Good and bad. Lessons are learned from ALL experience. We like to hear that. Not all of us succeeded at every 25m target we set ourselves, but we learned.

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