My Introduction

Sep 18, 2015
The Warming Tundra
Hello all, quite honored to now be a member of this site!

Let me start with a little information about myself. I have no previous Military or Law Enforcement experience. I actually stumbled upon this site on Google after researching some more information about the 75th Ranger Regiment after watching Black Hawk Down for the umpteenth time. Considering my lack of Military or Law Enforcement status, I'm not as concerned about personal security as much as many members on this site would understandably be, outside of what is directly around me, so I'll give a little information about my current living status. I'm in my early 20's, and live, as well as being born and raised, in the little big city of Milwaukee, WI (home, of course, to Harley Davidson, a beautiful lake front, the world's largest music festival [Summerfest], one of the most unique art museums in the world, and the world's oldest oval race track [the Milwaukee Mile]). I currently work in interior and exterior remodeling for a small realty firm, doing everything a house may require short of major electric and plumbing problems. It's a quite profitable and rewarding job (very few better feelings for me than seeing the look on someones face that absolutely loves the work our crew has done on their property) and is something I enjoy doing very much. I also work security for everything from the State Fair to Exposition Center and car shows for Wisconsin State Fair Park, (better known as the place where you can eat everything on Gods green earth fried on a stick) which is certainly the most enjoyable side job I've ever had. Being born and raised in Wisconsin, I'm naturally a HUGE fan of every sports team Wisconsin related (Packers especially, and Bucks and Brewers irregardless of how hard that may be at times). I currently have no college education, simply because I'm just not quite sure what degree I would want, which I understand may be somewhat foolish as most figure it out only once they've started, but with a couple of great jobs I'm in no hurry to rush myself and end up in debt I don't want for a degree I can't do anything with.

My reasons for wanting to become a member of your great forum is simply because I love history and pay close attention to how current events affect not only our country but the rest of the world, and in my opinion this is one of the few places to get a different agenda-less opinion of not only those events, but the cause and effect of them, by individuals that often times are right in the thick of it. I fully intend on keeping tight to my lane, and figure that as a result you will probably find me lurking in the miscellaneous section. I imagine the only time you'd find me posting in the Military, Law Enforcement, or Special Operations sections of this board is if I have a specific question or very interesting anecdote, and that would only be after scouring every section to make sure my question or anecdote hasn't already been asked or posted, and that it doesn't violate anyone's personal or operational security. Otherwise I intend on simply keeping my eyes open and learning from some of the best in the business, and avoiding bullshit text speak while using proper English (well, proper American English anyhow, for any English members of this board). In my opinion, those of you who are Military and/or Law Enforcement members/veterans are the ultimate shining examples of obviously not just how to perform your jobs, (which I obviously have no personal knowledge of) but also simply of providing the tenets of how one should live and act in their lives. The way I see it, if I learn a valuable lesson that I can apply in my life, as well as simply learning something I didn't know, then it was well worth the short amount of time it takes to become a member of this site. When I come home exhausted and filthy at the end of the day, I need simply to come on here and see that I don't have things that bad.

While I won't thank those of you who have lived a part of your lives in the Military or Law Enforcement for your service (as in my opinion, which as a civilian may not mean much, "service" is something that you receive at an auto shop or restaurant), I'll instead thank you for defending the freedoms and customs of this great country, as well as the contributions of our allies, that myself and all Americans practice and enjoy. To those that take the time to read this, thank you for enduring what I just realized is the ridiculous length of me introduction. I hope you find me to have good contributions to your forum, and am grateful that I have the opportunity to be a small part of it.