My Introduction


Verified Military
Apr 5, 2020
Good evening everyone. I spent 5 years on a east coast ship as an engineman, worked on all kinds of engines, water treatment plants, and all the fuel stuff. Had the opportunity to ride the RHIB a lot for ships control team stuff because of my EOOW letter, and really saw how professional and precise the various specwar groups on board would take over the practice pirate vessels before we'd come on board to practice driving it home.

In college now and in the reserves, halfway through, and seriously thinking about pursuing a Navy EOD OCS billet. No naval ROTC on my school. I'm good shape, have ran ultras before and workout daily, and want to serve on the frontlines this time around, boots on ground if possible. Left active knowing I made a different but feel like I have a lot more to give for my country. I am contacting my regions officer ascension manager tomorrow to go over what the best path to take over the next two years is to really make this happen, so I will stick to reading forms on here and speaking only when spoken to until I've done all my homework. Thanks for the outstanding information already available on this site and thanks in advance for when I have a question.