My Special Relationship With Human Resources


Nothing from HR but I did get my quarterly performance counseling. It did NOT go as I had expected.

"We got a three page email from XXX there at Ft. Benning." FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE


"You are clearly doing exactly what we expected and hoped you'd be able to accomplish there. This has validated that we selected the right person."

Huh? Checked my six...nope, nobody behind me. Obviously I had a WTF look on my face.

"As a matter of fact, we would like you to lean further forward and be more aggressive in gathering support for the customer. Keep moving forward and no matter what, we have your back. You are doing exactly what we need you to do."

Next time I go up to MD, I'm wearing a tux.

I'll go back and get some HR stories from July when all the HR drama started cuz the entire thing is a total freak show.

Nothing from HR but I did get my quarterly performance counseling. It did NOT go as I had expected.

"We got a three page email from XXX there at Ft. Benning." FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE


"You are clearly doing exactly what we expected and hoped you'd be able to accomplish there. This has validated that we selected the right person."

Huh? Checked my six...nope, nobody behind me. Obviously I had a WTF look on my face.

"As a matter of fact, we would like you to lean further forward and be more aggressive in gathering support for the customer. Keep moving forward and no matter what, we have your back. You are doing exactly what we need you to do."

Next time I go up to MD, I'm wearing a tux.

I'll go back and get some HR stories from July when all the HR drama started cuz the entire thing is a total freak show.
I smell a setup as big as the "guards" in Benghazi.
@lindy , I'm getting ready to pass you:

Me, walking into the auditorium in which they are doing vax, up to a group in which my buddy is standing: "who the fuck is in charge of this abortion?"

Lady in the group: "I am...."

Me: "Yeah, this is all wrong..."

My buddy: "Let's talk about it off line", walking me out.

As my boss said, this isn't a public health crisis, this is a back-slapping media event.
So I just had a very productive conversation with a handful of people, I told them that there is no command structure, nobody knows who anyone is, there are several teams but no one knows what each team is doing, and just flat out people are more interested in The appearance of the event rather than doing the job.

We are presumably going to be doing this all over again with the other three vaccines that are coming down the pike. If we're going to be working together like this with all the vaccines, we need to have a modified command structure. Everyone agreed, at the end of the day we are having a hot wash, and we're going to put some processes in place.

It's not that it just is a Charlie foxtrot, but has the potential to be unsafe, for both the vaccinators, as well as the people getting the shots.

I may be out of the dog house for the moment, but have been warned by my boss and another colleague It would better for me to be seen and not heard.
Me day one as supervisor talking to an intern who I just put on a PiP: "You need to pull your head out of your ass, put your big boy pants on, and take responsibility for your own lack of production. "

Two minutes later get a phone call from my division director. "Just so you're aware, an employee has filled a grievance against you."
So I just had a very productive conversation with a handful of people, I told them that there is no command structure, nobody knows who anyone is, there are several teams but no one knows what each team is doing, and just flat out people are more interested in The appearance of the event rather than doing the job.

We are presumably going to be doing this all over again with the other three vaccines that are coming down the pike. If we're going to be working together like this with all the vaccines, we need to have a modified command structure. Everyone agreed, at the end of the day we are having a hot wash, and we're going to put some processes in place.

It's not that it just is a Charlie foxtrot, but has the potential to be unsafe, for both the vaccinators, as well as the people getting the shots.

I may be out of the dog house for the moment, but have been warned by my boss and another colleague It would better for me to be seen and not heard.
Interesting because "we" did something similar: the conservatives that wrote various items against deep throating BLM, CRT, anti-racism, and fear of COVID had sub-networks of like minded folks and we formed our own conservative group...known to each other but unknown to the liberal masses of employees who have taken canceling diverse thinking (not flat earthers but rather Portuguese navigators who ask "what if") to a whole new level.

My point is that if there is employee "buy in" for an effort, they will do the right thing when the time comes. If they are forced to support some crazy SJW crap, there will be resistance. I figure that in 10 years, the majority of employees will be from SJW indoc'd schools (by 2025-2030) and the folks who will be retiring will have been hired around the 1990's.
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Lordy I love my job.

We just call them "millennials" in a derisive tone and walk away. You'd be amazed how many of them fold when the vast majority of employees are boomers. Of course in about 5 years everyone will retire and I'll hate life like everyone else. :rolleyes:

ETA: The correct response to "OK, Boomer" is, "Hey, we invented that computer you're on and the one you can't put down in your mom's basement. We also invented your sorry ass with shit we had lying around the house. So STFU."

Lordy I love my job.
Lordy I love my job.

We just call them "millennials" in a derisive tone and walk away. You'd be amazed how many of them fold when the vast majority of employees are boomers. Of course in about 5 years everyone will retire and I'll hate life like everyone else. :rolleyes:

ETA: The correct response to "OK, Boomer" is, "Hey, we invented that computer you're on and the one you can't put down in your mom's basement. We also invented your sorry ass with shit we had lying around the house. So STFU."

Lordy I love my job.

"Okay boomer"
