Native Protestors Shut Down Canadian Railways

Sounds like the Indigenous Leaders aren't getting the payout they want or this a good old fashioned shakedown (considering the rail closures).
If the Canadian govt has any knickknacks from Wuhan, now might be a good time to use them as gifts. ;-) /sarc

Govt: "Hello fellow protestors! We bring you peace offerings of Chinese made cell phones and tablet devices. Proudly made in Wuhan and only coughed on a few times!"
"Well, best of luck eh!"
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Kind of surprised there is no map of the disputed pipeline/railway area. Would be a great help to understanding the objections of the Mohawk elders.

It's not even Mohawk territory and there's blockades across the country. Thing is that every band has disowned the protestors. There's also been a growth in anti-colonial anarchists among any and all protests in the past year.

Beyond bloodlines: How the Wet’suwet’en hereditary system at the heart of the Coastal GasLink conflict works
Now this is leadership... We're fucked. Some parts of the country are running out of propane and heating oil already; mid February.

Trudeau won’t force end to railway blockades; Scheer tells protesters to ‘check their privilege’
Well they're communists. Ideologically, Trudeau and those protestors share a lot of the same beliefs and ideals. Truth be told, I don't think they care if people freeze in their homes or how others are impacted.

Honesty, the disruption to daily life and misery of others is probably keeping those fruitbats happy.
So after 2 weeks, a weekend of them shutting down multiple bridges to the US in Niagara and Thousand Islands and the port of Vancouver. Along with all rail traffic in the Eastern part of the country for the past week. They are restarting rail traffic into Québec on Thursday, because they are our special kid's and they were running out of propane in a few days. Now our fearless leader has had 2 days of meetings and no sign of resolving it. Today there was a press conference with the most prominent Chief's from across the country, calling for an end but no one is listening.

There's some research showing that the people behind all this are getting funds from Tides Foundation and other borderline eco terrorist groups. There sole purpose is to shut down Canada's energy sector.

Business groups call on Ottawa to end to rail blockade stranding goods worth millions
I wish folks would take a screenshot of things that go against the narrative before posting. All I see is a post that got Zucked out of existence.

Bunch of polite rednecks removing the blockade without the help of the RCMP. And all those that built them, scattered.
